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Bindings for Non-TCP transports to TCP for Thali

Bindings for Discovery and Connectivity

Thali provides a specification that defines how to advertise notification beacons that are designed so that only the target of the beacon can determine who sent it. But that specification did not define how to advertise those beacons. That is the job of this specification.

It defines a set of bindings for three transports:

  • Bluetooth Low Energy + Bluetooth on Android
  • Multi-Peer Connectivity Framework on iOS
  • Local Wi-Fi Access point based multicast discovery

In each case it shows how to use a local discovery mechanism to flag that new beacon values are available and then defines how to retrieve those values using TCP/IP. Two of the transports do not natively support TCP/IP and so this specification defines how to transport TCP/IP over them.

Transferring from notification beacon to TLS

Open Issue: See here but the basic problem is that there appears to be good reason to believe that 1024 bit DH groups as used in OpenSSL might be compromised. At the moment we choose to use a DH cipher suite because the ECDHE PSK cipher suites supported by OpenSSL uses AES with CBC mode and I’ve always preferred GCM because it provides integrity protection. But I need to talk to the crypto board and figure out what makes the most sense. Can we just configure OpenSSL to use a 2K key? Should we switch to ECDHE PSK even though this means giving up GCM? Research needs to be done.

This spec will define a number of bindings of the notification framework to various transports such as BLE, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, etc. In each and every case once discovery has occurred, notification beacons have been validated and a desired peer discovered the next step will be the establishment of a TCP/IP connection. This is true even when the underlying transport, such as Apple’s Multi-Peer Connectivity Framework, doesn’t natively support TCP/IP.

In the case of all bindings described in this spec the relationship between a peer and a particular TCP/IP address and port is transitory. The bindings will change over time. This introduces a security issue known as the channel binding problem. Put simply, when someone connects to a particular IP, how does one know that the entity at the other end of the TCP/IP connection is who we think it is? Thali generally uses TLS to solve this particular problem.

The most straight forward way to use TLS in this scenario is TLS mutual auth. The peer that received the notification presents its public key as a client cert, the peer that sent the notification presents its public key on the listening socket as a server cert, we do a handshake and it’s good. Everyone is authenticated.

The problem is that TLS mutual auth exposes the public keys of the participants in the clear. So if we use TLS mutual auth then we force users to expose their identities to anyone in the area any time they connect.

To work around this problem we plan on using a TLS feature known as “Pre-Shared Key” or defined in RFC 4279. PSK assumes that somehow the TLS client and TLS server have a pre-existing key that they have negotiated out of band. TLS then provides a mechanism by which the TLS client and TLS server can securely negotiate a connection using that pre-shared key.

Thali clients that establish connections based on discovery via notification beacons SHOULD establish TCP/IP connections to the discovered peer using TLS with the psk-aes256-cbc-sha and MUST NOT use a weaker cipher suite. A new Diffie-Hellman private key MUST be generated for each handshake.

If a Thali peer receives a preamble and a set of beacons and determines that one of the beacons is intended for itself and if the Thali peer wishes to communicate with the peer who sent the beacon then the Thali peer MUST set aside the preamble and the specific beacon from the set of discovered beacons that was targeted at it. The Thali peer MUST then establish a TCP/IP connection using the binding specific mechanism to the Thali peer that sent the beacon. The Thali peer MUST then establish a TLS connection on top of the TCP/IP connection using the previously defined PSK cipher suite.

When creating a TLS PSK connection, the Thali TLS client MUST include the following value in the PSK identity field of the ClientKeyExchange message:

PSK_Identity_Field = base64(sha256(preamble + beacon))

That is, the preamble and the beacon put aside in the previous requirement are combined together, sha 256’d and then base64 encoded as defined in RFC 4648 section 5. Note that the base64 encoding is introduced to meet the UTF-8 encoding requirement for PSK identity fields specified in section 5.1 of RFC 4279. Also note that the sha256 is introduced in order to meet the 128 octet maximum size limit for identities in section 5.3 of RFC 4279.

Note: In theory it would probably be a good thing if the PSK identity field was obscured. That is, rather than advertising in the clear which beacon is being responded to the Thali TLS client could encrypt the preamble and beacon using the Thali TLS server’s (known) public key. However it’s unclear in practice how useful this really is. Obviously any eavesdropping party can see who is talking to whom by examining radio traffic. Which beacon was used to establish that communication so far only seems useful in one particular attack. This attack depends on a feature we have not yet implemented in Thali that we call the personal mesh. With the personal mesh one can have many devices that all recognize a set of keys as belonging to themselves. So let’s say that at Time A peer Alpha sends out a beacon B that is received by peer Beta on device DB1. Peer Beta records beacon B and will never respond to it again on device DB1. But the key used in beacon B is also recognized by device DB2 which is part of peer Beta’s personal mesh. But at Time A devices DB1 and DB2 are not in communication so DB2 doesn’t know that DB1 has responded to beacon B. An attacker could therefore observe that peer Beta has responded to beacon B and thus could start to replay that beacon in different places that the attacker thinks DB2 is. DB2 would also recognize the beacon and respond, thus revealing its identity. Encrypting the beacon in the PSK identity field makes this attack harder but not all that much harder. Presumably the set of beacons that peer Alpha originally sent out isn’t that large. So an attacker could just repeat all the beacons and known that anyone who responds is at least a friend of Alpha’s and quite likely peer Beta. So it just doesn’t seem worth the effort to encrypt the value given that it doesn’t really stop the attack.

When terminating a PSK TLS connection a Thali TLS server MUST NOT send a PSK identity hint in the ServerKeyExchange message. The hint is not necessary because the client’s hint provides all the necessary binding.

When a Thali TLS server receives a PSK identity it MUST base64 decode the value and confirm that the preamble and beacon come from a reasonably recent advertisement by the Thali peer. If the value is not recognized or cannot for some reason be validated then the Thali peer MUST respond either with unknown_psk_identity or decrypt_error and terminate the TCP/IP connection.

Note: In theory it would probably be a good thing if the Thali TLS server who receives an unrecognized or otherwise unacceptable PSK identity field from a client responded with a decrypt_error rather than an unknown_psk_identity. The benefit of such an approach is that if the attacker does not have radio triangulation capability or radio fingerprinting capabilities then it would make it harder to bind a particular device’s discovery channel with its high bandwidth communication channel (when those things are actually separate). But in practice at least the high bandwidth channel tends use a fixed address (think Bluetooth) and we pretty much must assume that attackers at least have triangulation capabilities. That is why, for example, we transmit the Bluetooth address in the clear during BLE advertising for Android. However if it should turn out that it is useful to hide the relationship of the discovery and high bandwidth channels then we can always change our BLE design to use characteristics and communicate the Bluetooth channel address securely. Note that none of this will help a wit with Wi-Fi based discovery where the discovery and high bandwidth channels are identical.

Both the Thali TLS client and Thali TLS server need to generate the same PSK value. They will do so using an algorithm that matches the following pseudo-code:

function generatePSK(PubKy, Kx, PSKIdentity) {
   Sxy = ECDH(Kx.private(), PubKy)
   return HKDF(SHA256, Sxy, PSKIdentity, 32);

We use 32 bytes since we are using aes 256 in our cipher.

In the case of the Thali TLS client, PubKy represents the public key confirmed for the Thali TLS server from the decrypted beacon and Kx is the Thali TLS client’s own public/private key pair. The PSKIdentity is the base64 encoded value the Thali TLS client will send as the PSK identity value. The functions used in the pseudo-code work as previously defined. The returned 16 octet value is the value to be used as the PSK in the TLS PSK connection.

In the case of the Thali TLS server PubKy represents the public key associated with the beacon sent in the PSK Identity and Kx represents the Thali TLS server’s own public/private key pair. The PSKIdentity value is the base64 encoded string sent by the Thali TLS client as the PSK identity value.

Node.js API for PSK support

There is currently no official support for PSK in Node at the time this article was written. We have however added PSK support to JXcore and hope to eventually help get this pr finished so mainline Node will support it.

Transferring discovery beacon values over HTTP

Many of our bindings need to move the preamble and beacon values over a TCP/IP connection. When required we use HTTP (not HTTPS) as the transport. Specifically, the IP address and port will be discovered using whatever mechanisms are specified by the binding. But at the other end of that IP address and port is a HTTP server which supports unauthenticated/unencrypted GET requests to the endpoint /NotificationBeacons.

If the Thali peer is not currently advertising any notification beacons (this should only occur during a race condition as normally a request to /NotificationBeacons results from an advertisement that such values exist) then a GET request MUST be responded to with a 204 No Content.

Otherwise the Thali peer MUST respond with the content-type application/octet-stream, cache-control: no-cache and a value that contains the preamble and beacons as previously defined encoded in network byte order.

Note: We currently don’t bother with etag support as we generally try to avoid polling and the returned values are small anyway. But we can obviously add this in later if it proves useful.

HTTP clients making requests to /NotificationBeacons MUST put in place protections to ensure that the response is not excessively long.

HTTP servers offering /NotificationBeacons MUST put in place protections such that if the load of requests on the server becomes excessive the server will either filter out excessive requesters or if that is not workable then the server will disable the notification discovery system all together and not offer the server port for a period of time.

A problem we have is that right we can only serve up a single TCP port over non-TCP transports and even over SSDP we only advertise a single port. So how do we host both a TLS connection with PSK for authenticated callers and a non-TLS clear HTTP connection for those who just want beacons? There are solutions such as connection sniffing and some proxy magic but Ville suggested a much simpler solution. We will reserve the magic identity name “beacons” and a secret consising of 16 0 bytes in a row. Anyone who just wants a beacon value can use that identity/secret to get beacons and nothing else.

Denial of Service (DOS) Protections for Discovery and Connectivity

In general it is impossible to stop DOS attacks in a local radio environment. There are just too many easy ways to block channels. However implementers do have a responsibility to mitigate the damage from DOS attacks to just being a loss of connectivity. It should not be possible to escalate such attacks to the point where they cause a loss of CPU, Storage or (usually as a result of the other two) battery.

In the case of network systems that effectively support push discovery (this particularly applies to BLE and Wi-Fi) the implementation MUST detect when it is receiving an excess number of discovery announcements and MUST disable discovery for a period of time before trying again.

Systems MUST also detect when they are receiving an excessive number of incoming connections over the high bandwidth transport (e.g. Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, etc.) and either filter out abusers if possible or shut down the notification discovery system all together for a time before trying again.

Implications of Bluetooth and Multi-Peer Connectivity Framework’s (MPCF) TCP/IP Binding approaches

TCP/IP Framing and command packets are torn off

As will be explained below we relay TCP/IP content over our non-TCP/IP transports by connecting TCP/IP output streams to the non-TCP/IP transport’s input streams and the non-TCP/IP transport’s input streams to TCP/IP’s output streams.

But when we do this the only thing that gets moved is the data inside of the TCP/IP data packets. The data packet headers and the TCP control commands like FIN packets are not transmitted.

This means that when either the Bluetooth or MPCF code terminate their TCP/IP level connections then they MUST simultaneously terminate their non-TCP transport connections. If they do not do this then there is no way for the other side of the connection to know that the TCP link has been broken.

This also means that we are depending on the non-TCP transport connections to provide us with proper flow control as none of the TCP window sizing commands will be communicated across the wire.

And most interestingly, this means that the actual port that the client was intended to attach to won’t be included in the connection. In a way this makes sense as how would a remote client know which port to connect to anyway?

Thali’s multiplexing layer is a mandatory requirement for Android

In the case of Android we currently are only able to establish a single socket from one peer to another. As such Android connections MUST always use the Thali TCP Multiplexer on top of the singleton TCP/IP connection in order to enable the establishment of multiple TCP/IP connections.

Optimizations for noisy environments

NOTE: Nothing specified here has actually been implemented. These are just evil ideas for the future.

For both the BLE and MPCF bindings the assumption is that when a peer has something to notify they change their ID and this triggers everyone around to reconnect to them and pull down the new notifications. When there are a small number of devices around that works fine. But things can get ugly fast when there are very large number of devices. Imagine a conference or symposium with thousands of Thali apps shoved into a single room. Just pinging all the devices in the area, especially using non-TCP/IP transports, can take a very long time. Just setting up a Bluetooth connection can take several seconds, for example.

To a certain extent peer to peer just doesn’t work super well in massively noisy environments. Enormous common multi-cast channels never tend to turn out well for anyone. You have to break the environment down into pieces and then try to set up routing points between them. But that is way, way out of scope for Thali.

Our general reaction to super noisy environments is to just shut down. Basically there is no difference for us between super noisy environments and a denial of service attack.

However, and this clearly violates user privacy, there are hacks.

For example, let’s say someone pulls out their Android Thali application and sends a message to someone. If the Thali app has previously talked to that person then it could record their Bluetooth address and try to just blind connect to the Bluetooth address. This costs several seconds but if the person is around and if there is enough bandwidth to talk then a Bluetooth connection can be established and communication can begin. This approach can be generalized where, when we are in a noisy environment, we switch from broadcast to point to point discovery and try to walk down the list of folks we want to notify. This only works because Android does not rotate Bluetooth network addresses. If it did then we couldn’t use this shortcut. Note that this approach also works in the case that the Thali application didn’t know the other application’s Bluetooth address ahead of time but rather learns it via local discovery. Once the address is known, however that happened, it can be used to directly connect in the future.

A similar trick is possible with iOS if we are willing to play evil games with peerIDs. There are two variants of this game. The less evil variant is that when an application establishes a MCSession it will never end it until it goes into the background. That way if two peers find each other then at least they can keep talking until the app goes into the background. A slightly more evil variant is that a peer will pick a peerID that it will use for some fixed period of time (say 24 hours) and will always advertise. It would then advertise a second peerID (assuming iOS allows for multiple simultaneous MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser objects to exist) that would then rotate every time the notification beacon changes. When the peer makes connection with another peer it can communicate its static peerID so that the other peer can try to establish a direct connection in the future. Ideally we would be able to get rid of the second peerID by putting notification beacon “updated” values into the info field. But this assumes that if we stop and restart advertising with the same peerID but different info objects that this change will be picked up by those around us and thus make it an effective notification mechanism.

BLE Binding

For now we will use ADV_NONCONN_IND as our advertising PDU and leverage AdvData to transmit the information we need to send.

We do not currently define any ScanRspData values for SCAN_RSP responses to SCAN_REQ PDUs. We also do not currently define any characteristics. Instead we transfer all the data we need in the BLE announcement PDU. In the future however, when we want to work with iOS in the background, we will need to introduce characteristics.

Our BLE service UUID is: b6a44ad1-d319-4b3a-815d-8b805a47fb51

The format of our ADV_IND PDU is: AdvA - The random device address AdvData - We define this field using RFC 4234 Augmented BNF as previously defined above:

AdvData = Flags ServiceUUID ServiceData

Flags = FlagSize FlagGapType FlagValue
FlagSize = OCTET
FlagGapType = %x01
FlagValue = OCTET ; This value is set by BLE stack, not us

ServiceUUID = ServiceUUIDSize ServiceUUIDType ServiceUUIDValue
ServiceUUIDSize = OCTET
ServiceUUIDType = %x06
ServiceUUIDValue = b6a44ad1d3194b3a815d8b805a47fb51

ServiceData = ServiceDataSize ServiceDataType ServiceDataValue
ServiceDataSize = OCTET
ServiceDataType = %x16
ServiceDataValue = BluetoothAddress / iOSDevice

BluetoothAddress = BluetoothFlag BluetoothValue
BluetoothFlag = 0
BluetoothValue = 6-OCTET

iOSDevice = 1

The payload of an advertising packet is 31 octets. This field is made up of AD structures which consist of three parts, a 1 octet length field, an AD type and AD Data. Generally advertisements consist of at least two AD structures. The first is for flags and the second is to advertise our service UUID. The flag field takes up a total of 3 bytes, 1 for length, 1 for type and 1 for the actual flag values. ServiceUUID takes up 18 bytes, 1 for length, 1 for type and 16 for the 128 bit UUID. So this leaves us with only 10 bytes that we control. We will advertise service data which means our overhead for length and type is 2 bytes leaving us with 8 bytes of actual data.

Protecting the Bluetooth Address

We will be rewriting this section to move to using BLE for exchanging beacons. We are still having troubles getting reliable connections to the GATT server on the peripheral though and we won’t switch until that is resolved. But if that can be fixed then we’ll move retrieving beacons to BLE.

One part of the motivation for this is reducing how much we use Bluetooth. Bluetooth takes a long time to establish connections and eats battery so we want to avoid it except when we know we’ll benefit from it. So that’s why we want to use BLE to move the beacons. We’ll only establish a Bluetooth connection when we have a beacon match.

Another motivation thought for moving to BLE is that we really need to send the Bluetooth Address in an encrypted form. The motivation for this isn’t as strong as I would like though. The argument goes like this, if you know a Bluetooth device’s MAC address then you can easily track it. You just send out SDP requests for that address and it will respond. This makes Bluetooth a nice way to track people if and only if you are trying to track a small group of people. If you are trying to track everyone then the feature isn’t that useful because you will saturate the Bluetooth bandwidth sending SDP requests on the chance that a target is around!

If you don’t know a Bluetooth device’s MAC address then the only way to find it is if the device goes into discoverability mode. That is why making a device go into that mode requires a System UX. Because it drops the mask and tells the whole world your MAC address.

Now the security of hiding the MAC address is sorta questionable. Because when paired devices want to communicate they need to use their MACs in the clear to find each other. To be fair Bluetooth even put in a protection there. Standard Bluetooth hardware is not supposed to ever expose to the host device any MACs that weren’t targeted directly at it or were discovered during a scan of devices in discoverability mode.

So if someone wants to use Bluetooth for mass surveillance what they have to do is get special hardware that lets the suck down all the radio signals and then they have to wait for a Bluetooth device to go by and have a conversation with another Bluetooth device. In fact the attack is harder than it sounds. If the attacker is very lucky they will be listening just as a user turns on their Bluetooth headset and as it connects to the phone they can slurp up the MAC address from the discovery (SDP) request. That is pretty straight forward. But imagine that the headset is already connected to the phone. In that case the attacker has to figure out what channel hoping pattern the phone (which is presumably the master of the Piconet that the headset is on) is using with the headset in order to catch the MAC. While this attack is harder it is still possible and one suspects one can even buy the hardware to do it off the shelf. But I don’t actually know that for a fact.

So the bottom line is that the claim that hiding the MAC address provides meaningful extra security in Bluetooth is, in my mind, questionable. But nevertheless security is always about defense in depth and if the Bluetooth address is protected then we do make the lives of attackers that much harder.

So if we can get the GATT server to behave itself then we will encrypt the Bluetooth address when we send it. Most likely what we’ll do is send the beacons without the Bluetooth address. If a central decides they want to connect to the peripheral (this time via Bluetooth, not BLE) then they will write to a characteristic with the beacon that matches them (in theory this shouldn’t reveal anything about them but I’ll check with the crypto gods if it’s a problem there is a pretty obvious work around) and the peripheral will respond with its Bluetooth address encrypted using an IV and symmetric key using AES128-GCM derived from the HKDF stream.


In theory once someone has discovered a Thali peripheral the next step would be to issue a connect and start to use characteristics to move the beacon values. In practice however we have found this to be problematic because we have had serious reliability issues with connecting over BLE on Android. It is quite common for connects to randomly fail and for the BLE stack to then become unresponsive for a minute or two afterwards. We have had no problems receiving BLE advertisements, just connecting.

Therefore we are starting with a conservative stance. We use BLE advertisements to find Android Thali peripherals but we then switch to Bluetooth in order to transmit the beacons. To make this switch we have to discover the peripheral’s Bluetooth address. It so happens that a Bluetooth address is 6 octets long. We need one byte to flag that this is a Bluetooth address and then 6 bytes for the actual address. This fits nicely into our 8 octets and explains the BluetoothAddress structure above.

The Bluetooth Handshake and Binding TCP/IP to Bluetooth

Once the Bluetooth Address is discovered the central will switch to an insecure RFCOMM connection to the supplied Bluetooth Address. This creates a situation in which the central device becomes a Bluetooth client and the peripheral device becomes a Bluetooth server. Bluetooth connections are full duplex. We will only support a single TCP/IP connection at a time over the Bluetooth transport. But we will then use our TCP Multiplexer to enable multiple simultaneous TCP/IP connections to be opened from the Bluetooth Client to the Bluetooth Server. Note that if both devices want to open connections to each other then each has to simultaneously take on the role of Bluetooth Client and Bluetooth Server.

The Bluetooth handshake and surprise connections

Imagine a situation where Thali Peer B is advertising over BLE and suddenly receives a Bluetooth connection from Thali Peer A. Thali Peer B had not previously discovered Thali Peer A over BLE.

There are two possible reasons for why Thali Peer B hadn’t previously discovered Thali Peer A.

One possibility is that Thali Peer A hadn’t been advertising itself over BLE because it didn’t have any notification beacons to advertise. In other words, Thali Peer B hadn’t found Thali Peer A over BLE because Thali Peer A wasn’t advertising itself over BLE.

The other possibility is that Thali Peer A was advertising itself over BLE but for some reason Thali Peer B didn’t get the advertisement. For example, we turn the BLE power down when the Thali app is in the background. So it’s possible that Thali Peer A could hear Thali Peer B’s BLE announcements but not vice versa.

So what would be nice is if Thali Peer A, when establishing a Bluetooth connection to Thali Peer B, could indicate if it is advertising any notification beacons. Of course Peer A already knows if any of the beacons it has are for Peer B and could decide to indicate if it is advertising beacons specifically for B. But we should not depend on that because it makes a few edge case attacks a little easier for the attacker. Therefore when a Thali Bluetooth client establishes a Bluetooth connection it MUST indicate as defined below if it has any notification beacon values available even if none of those value are for the Bluetooth Server the Bluetooth Client has connected to.

There is an ulterior motive behind all of this. We have run into issues with Bluetooth on Android where we think a Bluetooth connection has been established but in fact something went wrong and it hasn’t. We typically only find out there is a problem once some data gets sent. So we tend to always start all connections by sending a bit of data just to make sure everything is working. So our little notification exchange is really just an excuse to shake out the Bluetooth connections.

Therefore when a Thali Bluetooth client establishes a connection to a Thali Bluetooth server the client MUST send the following binary data first:

BluetoothHandshake = HasNotification / DoesNotHaveNotification
HasNotification = 0
DoesNotHaveNotification = 1

The Bluetooth server MUST respond to a properly formatted Bluetooth Handshake by sending the octet 0. If a Bluetooth server receives an initial byte value on a Bluetooth connection other than those allowed by the Bluetooth Handshake then the Bluetooth server MUST terminate the Bluetooth connection. Similarly if a Bluetooth Client receives an initial byte from the Bluetooth Server with a value other than 0 then it MUST terminate the Bluetooth connection. Our assumption in both cases is that the other side of the connection is buggy.

If a Bluetooth server receives a Bluetooth Handshake set to HasNotification then the Bluetooth server MUST treat the handshake as being the equivalent of having a received a BLE announcement with the Bluetooth client’s Bluetooth address and an unrecognized BLE address.

In the worst case the Bluetooth server might have already seen the Bluetooth client’s BLE advertisement and will now retrieve it again. Ideally we would include the BLE address that the Bluetooth client is using (if any) so as to avoid duplicate notifications but there doesn’t seem to be an API available in Android to ask what BLE address the local device’s peripheral is using so the Thali peer doesn’t know what BLE address it is advertising with.

Binding TCP/IP to Bluetooth

After the Bluetooth Handshake has been sent then we had the streams over for sending and receiving TCP/IP data.

The actual logic for relaying TCP/IP over the Bluetooth connection works as follows:

  1. The Thali software tells the local Thali Bluetooth layer to open a Bluetooth client connection to the remote peer
  2. The Bluetooth Client layer will establish the connection (and send the handshake) and will then open a localhost TCP/IP listener and return the port for the listener to the Thali software.
  3. The Thali software then opens a TCP/IP connection to the localhost TCP/IP listener. That listener will accept exactly one connection.
  4. The Bluetooth code will now take the input stream from the TCP/IP connection to the localhost TCP/IP listener and connect it to the output stream of the Bluetooth client connection. The Bluetooth code will then take the input stream from the Bluetooth client connection and connect it to the output stream from the localhost TCP/IP listener. Of course the first byte sent to the client will be confirmed as the response to the Bluetooth Handshake.

The logic works the same on the Bluetooth Server side. Specifically:

  1. The Thali software tells the local Thali Bluetooth layer that it wants to receive incoming Bluetooth connections. As part of that API call telling the Thali Bluetooth layer to listen, the Thali software will specify a TCP/IP localhost listener and port.
  2. When a Bluetooth Client connection is made to the device the Thali Bluetooth code will open a TCP/IP client connection to the TCP/IP localhost listener and port specified by the Thali software in step 1. The Bluetooth server will wait to receive the Bluetooth Handshake and then response as defined by the Bluetooth Handshake. Once the Bluetooth Handshake is done then the Bluetooth Server will then take its input stream and connect it to the TCP/IP client’s output stream. It will then take the TCP/IP client’s input stream and connect it to the Bluetooth Server’s output stream.

If there are multiple simultaneous Bluetooth connections to the Bluetooth Server then there will be multiple simultaneous localhost TCP/IP client connections made to the submitted TCP/IP localhost listener and port.

The relay logic is identical to that described in the Bluetooth Client text above.

As mentioned above this only creates a single TCP/IP connection over each Bluetooth connection. The previously mentioned TCP/IP Multiplexer will be used to enable multiple simultaneous TCP/IP connections to be multiplexed over the single TCP/IP connection.


Normally we do not use BLE for discovery with iOS. Instead we use the multi-peer connectivity framework whose binding will be described later in this document. However in order to enable iOS devices to be discovered in the background we also want to support BLE. However when an iOS device is in the background it can only communicate over BLE and so any further communication will have to occur using BLE characteristics. We will define the characteristics used to communicate beacon data in the future when we get closer to implementing this functionality.

Notifying when beacons change

Once a Thali central finds a Thali peripheral and makes a request to /NotificationBeacons how does it know if the value of the notification beacons ever changes? After all, the peripheral might have new data for the central. How will this be discovered? If we were using characteristics then we could do a connect and use the notify functionality built into BLE. But for the reasons previously discussed we are not using characteristics.

Our solution depends on a behavior we have observed with Android. Whenever we stop and re-start a BLE peripheral Android appears to always give us a new BLE address. Therefore whenever the value in /NotificationBeacons change the BLE service MUST be stopped and restarted in order to obtain a new address. The result being that the peripheral will now look like a brand new device to everyone in the vicinity and they will automatically connect to get the new /NotificationBeacons value.

Android Settings

The source code for the BLE support in Lollipop is available here.


When starting BLE advertising on Android the startAdvertising() API of BluetoothLeAdvertiser object is used. The settings, created by AdvertiseSettings.Builder, MUST be set as follows:

  • setAdvertiseMode() - This MUST be set to ADVERTISE_MODE_LOW_LATENCY when the application is in the foreground and ADVERTISE_MODE_LOW_POWER when the application is in the background.
  • setConnectable() - This MUST be set to false as we do not currently support any characteristics.
  • setTimeout() - This MUST be set to 0. We advertise as long as we are running.
  • setTxPowerLevel() - This MUST be set to ADVERTISE_TX_POWER_LOW when in the background and ADVERTISE_TX_POWER_HIGH when in the foreground.

advertiseData MUST be set to:

  • addManufacturerData() - This MUST NOT be set. We need all the space in the BLE Advertisement we can get.
  • addServiceData(serviceDataUuid, serviceData) - serviceDataUuid MUST be set to the Thali service’s BLE UUID and serviceData MUST be set to the single byte “0” followed by the Bluetooth MAC address as a byte stream.
  • addServiceUuid(serviceUuid) - serviceUuid MUST be set to the Thali service’s BLE UUID.
  • setIncludeDeviceName() - Must be set to false. We need the space.
  • setIncludeTxPowerLevel() - Must be set to false. We need the space.

When calling startAdvertising() the scanResponse argument MUST NOT be used as we do not support a scanResponse.

Open Issue: - We need to perform practical experiments to determine what the actual battery drain is of having BLE advertising on all the time. If we primarily use low power then it really shouldn’t be bad since BLE was designed to allow beacons to advertise themselves for years on a single battery. But we need data.


When calling startScan the filters argument MUST be used and MUST be set to Thali’s BLE service UUID.

When calling startScan the settings argument MUST be used and MUST be set to:

  • setCallbackType(callbackType) - If on API 23 then callbackType MUST be set to the flag CALLBACK_TYPE_ALL_MATCHES and MUST NOT include the CALLBACK_TYPE_MATCH_LOST. We are explicitly not going to worry about announcing when a BLE peripheral has gone. It really shouldn’t matter given how we are using BLE.
  • setMatchMode(matchMode) - If on API 23 then matchMode MUST be set to MATCH_MODE_STICKY .
  • setNumOfMatches(numOfMatches) - If on API 23 then numOfMatches MUST bet set to MATCH_NUM_MAX_ADVERTISEMENT.
  • setReportDelay(reportDelayMillis) - reportDelayMillis MUST bet set to at least 500 ms in the foreground and 1000ms in the background. The delay helps to make sure that we don’t end up killing our node performance by flooding JXcore with endless notifications, each of which results in stopping JXcore.
  • setScanMode(scanMode) - scanMode MUST be set to SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER when running in the background and SCAN_MODE_LOW_LATENCY when running in the foreground.

Open Issue: - What is the practical difference between MATCH_MODE_AGGRESSIVE and MATCH_MODE_STICKY? The real question is - what percentage of the time will MATCH_MODE_AGGRESSIVE give us a “hit” where the signal strength is too weak for the Bluetooth follow up connection to work properly?

Open Issue: - We need to run experiments to determine the practical battery consumption consequences of running BLE scanning. Do the different scan modes make a big difference?

Open Issue: - We run both scanning and advertising at the same time. Which means we need to also perform experiments to determine what happens when both are on in terms of battery consumption, responsiveness to discovery, etc.


This method is used to start a Bluetooth socket listening. Thali’s Bluetooth stack MUST use this api any time it is advertising via BLE to accept requests to retrieve the notification beacon contents as well as to allow for synchronization and other higher level connections.

The arguments MUST be used as follows:

  • name - “Thali_Bluetooth”
  • uuid - “0bbfc6ef-14cc-4ab2-af63-b92e887227ae”


After having created a device via getRemoteDevice using the Bluetooth address retrieved over BLE the next step is to create a connection to that device. That is handled via createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord. It’s argument MUST be:

  • uuid - “0bbfc6ef-14cc-4ab2-af63-b92e887227ae”

More than one Thali app on an Android device

Our current design has a problem in that we advertise a static SDP UUID This means that if two Thali apps are both running on the same Android device they are going to conflict when they both try to advertise the same SDP UUID. And of course no one can control which of the apps they end up connecting to.

At the heart of this problem is a question of - what is a Thali app? The vision for Thali is that there is a Thali Device Hub which acts as a single store for all Thali related data so that the data is available to all apps and independent of any particular app. If that vision ships then we can give it its own SDP UUID. Meanwhile each Thali app will need its own SDP UUID. So eventually we’ll have to amend this spec so that the name and uuid specified above become arguments passed into the Thali framework rather than something that is hard coded. But not today.

Multi-Peer Connectivity Framework (MPCF)

Apple’s proprietary multi-peer connectivity framework has its own discovery mechanism that appears to run over both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Note however that iOS’s implementation of Bluetooth uses a proprietary extension that requires having a public key pair signed by Apple. And multi-peer connectivity’s use of Wi-Fi when not connected to an access point appears to use a proprietary variant of Wi-Fi Direct. In any case, Multi-Peer Connectivity only works with Apple devices (either iOS or OS/X). We use MPCF to enable Thali apps running in the foreground to discover and communicate with each other.

MPCF starts off by advertising via MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser the types of sessions that the device is willing to join. The advertisement consists of a peer ID, an info object made up of key/value pairs and a serviceType which can be between 1-15 characters long. Each key/value pair in the info object cannot be longer than 255 bytes. The total size of the info object cannot be more than 400 bytes (so, we suspect, it will fit into a single Bluetooth packet).

I haven’t run an experiment to see what the maximum size of a MPCF announcement is but given that info tops out at 400 bytes it would be reasonable to assume that peerID and service type are both smaller in size than that. The point then being that the announcement mechanism is not the best way to discover the full beacon string which can easily be 1K or more.

Therefore we will only use the MPCF announcement to identify ourselves as a Thali node and then use our TCP/IP binding for further communication in order to retrieve things like notification beacons via the HTTP endpoint.

Note: We have runs tests that show that if MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser is turned off and then back on with a different peerID this will not affect any preexisting sessions.

We have done experiments with iOS 9 that demonstrated a few things:

  • We can simultaneously have multiple MCSessions between the same two peers so long as the same PeerID isn’t re-used by the same Peer both on an invite to a session and as the PeerID used in a MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser.
  • We can safely open multiple output streams between two peers in the same MCSession without issue.
  • If we move a lot of data in a particular MCSession that will cause us to miss invites from other peers and it can cause spontaneous failures in streams in other existing sessions. But in all cases we seem to get notified when these errors occur, they aren’t silent failures.

By default peers are more or less always looking around for other peers who might have beacons for them. This means we are using MCNearbyServiceBrowser to find other peers. We look for the Thali service type and when we find it we will usually invite the remote peer into a MCSession. With the session in hand we want to pull down the remote peer’s beacons which requires establishing TCP connections running HTTP. To make that happen we open a TCP/IP listener on localhost on the device that sent the invite and our Node code will open connections on that listener.

When the localhost TCP/IP native listener gets an incoming connection it will respond by opening a MPCF output stream to the remote peer. The remote peer will then automatically respond by opening its own output stream back, thus causing an input stream to appear on the listener. The combination of the output and input streams forms a virtual socket. We then map the incoming TCP/IP connection to that virtual socket. Anyone on the incoming TCP/IP connection’s output stream goes to the virtual socket’s input stream and vice versa. Each stream in MPCF has its own unique name so we can open many streams. This means we can open effectively as many TCP/IP connections as we want and map each to its own ‘virtual socket’.

Note that when the invited peer, the one who received the invite, gets an input stream over MPCF from the inviting peer and automatically responds with its own output stream, at the same time the invited peer will open a TCP/IP client and establish a TCP/IP socket locally to a localhost port that it will have been configured with. As a result we will have created the illusion that everything is running over TCP/IP even though it’s actually being relayed over ‘virtual sockets’ (our term) over MPCF.


MPCF discovers nearby services via MCNearbyServiceBrowser. When calling init(peer:serviceType:) on MCNearbyServiceBrowser the arguments MUST be:

  • myPeerID - a MCPeerID object set to a randomly generated UUID
  • serviceType - “thaliproject”.

Open issue: I need to get out wireshark or equivalent to resolve this one but I believe the serviceType argument is meant to map to the service component of a mDNS discovery name as defined in RFC 6763. This then takes us to RFC 6355 which manages registration of DNS service names. The requirements in section 5.1 of RFC 6355 match Apple’s rules for serviceType. We therefore will use a complying name, in this case, “thaliproject” and yes, we really need to register it with IANA per this bug.

The MCNearbyServiceBrowser MUST have its delegate property set to a proper callback.

Because iOS requires that MCNearbyServiceBrowser MUST stop running when the application goes into the background this means that anytime the application enters the foreground if it wants to discover Thali peers then it MUST activate MCNearbyServiceBrowser as defined in this section with a fresh UUID.

When inviting a remote peer to a MCSession using invitePeer the invite timeout MUST be at least 30 seconds (and yes, that is the default but define it explicitly anyway, just so we don’t get randomly different behavior if the default is changed in the future).


When the Thali application wishes to be discovered, typically because it has notification beacon values to advertise, it MUST create a MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser object with arguments as follows:

  • myPeerID - We have specific syntax and semantics for this value that will be described below
  • info - null
  • serviceType - “thaliproject”.

The MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser object MUST also have its delegate property set to a proper callback.

The MCPeerID submitted in myPeerID MUST follow the syntax given in the EBNF below:

MCPeerID = UUID ':' Generation
; UUID is defined in [RFC 4122](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122)
Generation = 1*HexadecimalDigit
HexadecimalDigit = 0-9 / A-F

Whenever a Thali app is told to start advertising it MUST generate a new UUID for its MCPeerID (and this UUID MUST be generated separately from the UUID used with the service browser to make sure that the two UUIDs are different, this prevents state issues with having multiple MCSessions between the same two peers). It MUST also start its generation counter at 0. If the peer wishes to notify the peers around it that it has a new value but is willing to make itself slightly more trackable (see the text below) then what it can do is start a new MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser object with a new MCPeerID that consists of the same UUID as the previous MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser but with the generation incremented by 1. Note that the generation value MUST be a string encoding a hexadecimal representation of the counter. This will let remote peers recognize that this is the same peer they have seen before but with new data. This trick is used to make it easier for peers to preferentially look for data from known remote peers.

For example, imagine that phone A discovers phone B advertising itself with the MCPeerID [GUID 1]:0. Phone A connects, pulls down the beacons and disconnects. A little bit later Phone A sees an advertisement for [GUID 1]:1. Phone A now knows that this is the same Phone B but it now has new data. Depending on the priority that Phone A gives to Phone B it can decide to either immediately reconnect or even not connect since it has sync’d so recently and may wish to give other peers a chance.

Above when we said ‘slightly more tracking’ we mean that in theory it makes it easier to track a phone as it moves around, but without exposing the owner’s identity. In the original design every time the phone has a new set of beacons it will generate a new MCPeerID. But with this modified proposal part of its MCPeerID, the UUID, would remain constant for some window of time (only the period when the app is in the foreground and once the app goes into the background and comes back to the foreground the UUID is rotated). This means that if someone wants to track the phones that are in its area and see where they go they could use the UUID (while the app stays in the foreground) to track the phone. If we always rotated the UUID then that kind of tracking wouldn’t be possible. But since this only applies while the app is in the foreground it doesn’t seem like a big problem.

In any case when a peer starts a new MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser object it MUST keep the old object around for at least 30 seconds. This is to allow any in progress invites to finish. After 30 seconds the old MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser objects MUST be closed.

NOTE: In previous testing we had done it didn’t seem to be a problem to have multiple MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser sessions open at once. We also found that trying to discard a MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser session too quickly after it was created could sometimes cause problems in the MPCF. So a delay seems called for.

If a peer who is browsing discovers multiple advertisers with the same UUID but different generation values then if the peer wishes to connect to that remote peer it MUST connect to the highest generation value for the desired UUID.

If a local peer already has a MCSession with a remote peer and if the local peer detects a new advertiser with the remote peer’s UUID then the local peer MUST NOT invite the remote peer to a new MCSession but MUST instead continue to use the existing MCSession for things like retrieving the new beacons.

NOTE: An alternative approach would have been to always advertise a single MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser and use info to communicate the generation. Since info can’t be changed once advertising beings this would have required turning the advertiser off and then immediately recreating it with new info. But we didn’t find that advertising the peer with the same peerID as previously but with new info caused a new browser(:foundPeer:withDiscoveryInfo:) call. So remote peers who had previously discovered the peer wouldn’t be notified of the new info. So if we wanted to use this approach we would have to start and stop the browser in order to see the new info which seemed a bit of a kludge.

Binding to TCP/IP

When a local peer discovers a remote peer and invites it to a MCSession the local peer MUST start a localhost TCP/IP listener. Any connections made to that listener MUST be relayed over the MCSession (if successfully formed) to the remote peer. Each incoming TCP/IP connection to the localhost TCP/IP listener on the local peer MUST result in a call to startStreamWithName where the streamName MUST be a freshly generated UUID. When the remote peer gets a session() call on its MCSession delegate method with didReceiveStream it MUST automatically respond by:

  1. Calling startStreamWithName on its local copy of the MCSession object using the exact same streamName as the incoming stream.
  2. Creating a TCP/IP client that connects to a pre-configured localhost port

From the perspective of the local peer a virtual socket is formed once it has successfully created an output stream and received back an input stream from the remote peer with the same name. At that point the local peer will start to relay bytes from the local TCP/IP socket’s output stream to the MPCF’s virtual socket’s input stream and from the MPCF’s virtual socket’s output stream to the local TCP/IP socket’s input stream.

If the local peer does not receive an input stream from the remote peer to complex the virtual socket with 5 seconds then the local peer MUST treat the virtual socket as failed and MUST close the associated TCP/IP socket. It MUST also call close on its MPCF related output stream.

If a local peer (i.e. the creator of the MCSession) receives a MPCF input stream for which it has no matching output stream (presumably this is the result of a time out) then the local peer MUST call close on the incoming MPCF input stream.

In the remote peer as soon as the TCP/IP client is created and connected to the pre-configured localhost port it will create the same mapping between its view of the MPCF’s virtual socket and its local TCP/IP client’s socket as the local peer created between its MPCF virtual socket and the TCP/IP socket from the local TCP/IP listener.

If the TCP/IP socket on either side is lost/closed/failed for any reason then close MUST be called on both streams (input and output) in the associated MPCF virtual socket.

If either stream in a MPCF’s virtual socket should close for any reason then the remaining stream MUST have close called on it and the associated TCP/IP socket (either client or server depending on which peer the event happened on) MUST be closed as well.

Note that when a MCSession is closed this should automatically cause all the MPCF streams associated with the session to fail and thus cause the TCP/IP sockets to fail as well.

If a MCSession associated with a TCP/IP listener closes for any reason then the TCP/IP listener MUST stop listening for new connections and MUST close all existing connections (which should happen automatically given the previously described logic).

OPEN ISSUE: Does anything break if we use the same name for both the output and input stream?

Running MCSession connections in the background

iOS explicitly supports taking existing MCSession connections established in the foreground into the background for a period of time (typically one or two minutes) before the OS will terminate them. It is our goal to eventually support this capability but in order to reduce our test matrix we are choosing not to support it at this time. Therefore whenever a Thali app goes into the background it MUST immediately terminate all of its MCSessions and associated TCP/IP sockets/listeners.

Multiple Thali Apps on the same iOS device

Thali as specified here can only run in the foreground. So you can have as many Thali apps as you want, only the one in the foreground gets to play. If we want to distinguish between multiple types of Thali apps we can either require each app to get its own unique service type (which we would then take as an argument). Or we can specify a HTTP endpoint where remote apps can just query as to the app’s type. And if and when we put in BLE support it would be easy enough to put in a characteristic with type data. So we are probably o.k.

Local Wi-Fi Binding

If a device is connected to a Wi-Fi access point (AP) then the device may use SSDP to discover other Thali nodes on the same network. It is worth pointing out that Wi-Fi APs are configured in many different ways. Some APs will allow for UDP multi-cast (to allow things like discovering printers) but won’t allow for TCP connections (or even unicast UDP) to any but a white list of devices. So just because discovery seems to work the Thali peer can’t be sure if direct connectivity will work. We will handle this uncertainty by providing Thali applications with multiple ways to connect to the same peer if possible (e.g. both local Wi-Fi AP and Bluetooth) and letting them try the different choices in turn. The details of this behavior will be defined in a later spec on the connection layer.

The main reason for picking SSDP over mDNS is simplicity. SSDP is a dirt simple text based protocol so it’s very easy to deal with. If anyone has a super good reason why we should use mDNS instead we can switch.

SSDP supports two discovery mechanisms which each have their own performance and battery implications. One mechanism is ssdp:discover requests. These requests are multicast over UDP and responses are then unicast over UDP back to the requester. This makes discovery requests particularly expensive because each ssdp:discover request will result in all present Thali clients sending typically 3 responses directly to the requester. This puts a high load on the network (especially dense networks) for everyone. ssdp:alive messages on the other hand are sent out publicly to everyone with no response. So in general we will try to use ssdp:alive more than ssdp:discover.


When a Thali application is in the foreground and connected to a Wi-Fi network it MUST issue a ssdp:alive request as defined below every 500 ms. When the Thali application is in the background and connected to a Wi-Fi network it MUST issue a ssdp:alive message no more frequently than every 1000 ms. The purpose of these ssdp:alive messages is to account for the fact that ssdp:discover requests and responses are not reliable. It also provides a way to detect when a peer has gone away. If no ssdp:alive requests are heard for quite some time then the peer can be marked as gone.

Whenever the Thali peer connects to a Wi-Fi network or if the Thali peer is already connected but the BSSID changes then the Thali peer MUST send an immediate ssdp:alive message and restart its send timer.

The ssdp:alive message MUST use the following header values:

  • NT: “http://www.thaliproject.org/ssdp”
  • USN: A UUID URL whose value MUST be changed every time the beacon string is changed
  • Location: A HTTP URL pointing to the device’s IP address and port
  • Cache-Control: max-age = 180

We choose the relatively long period of 180 seconds in order to provide an opportunity for at least 3 rounds of ssdp:alive announcements from the peer to be detected before giving up. Note however that our current use of SSDP means we will likely ignore the cache-control header.


If a Thali peer is going to stop listening for SSDP events for a reason other than a throttling response or loss of network then it MUST send a ssdp:byebye event with the following header values:

  • NT: “http://www.thaliproject.org/ssdp”
  • USN: The same UUID URL used in the last ssdp:alive announcement from the peer

Open Issue: It’s likely that we are no longer going to communicate when peers disappear inside of the Thali software stack. The worst thing that happens if a peer is gone and we don’t know it is that we waste time trying to connect to them. This is far from catastrophic. So maybe we can just skip byebye for now? Once less thing to test! This also means we can ignore the cache-control header in ssdp:alive. Although to be fair we will need some kind of cache clearing logic if only to keep the cache from growing to unbounded size.


When a Thali peer is connected to a Wi-Fi AP after having been in a disconnected state or if the Thali peer has been in a connected state but is handed off to a Wi-Fi AP with a new BSSID ID then the Thali peer MUST issue a sspd:discover request as defined below in order to look for Thali devices on the local network. The Thali SSDP client MUST NOT otherwise use ssdp:discover requests as they are expensive for everyone involved.

The ssdp:discover request MUST use the following header value:

  • ST: “http://www.thaliproject.org/ssdp”

A ssdp:discover response MUST use the following header values:

  • ST: “http://www.thaliproject.org/ssdp”
  • USN: The UUID URL that the peer is currently using for its ssdp:alive messages
  • Cache-Control: max-age set to 180
  • Location: The same value returned in ssdp:alive

Thali’s SSDP layer MUST put in place a throttling mechanism to ensure that it will only send responses to ssdp:discover requests at a fixed rate. The throttling mechanism MUST be designed to ensure that if a discovery request sits in the request queue beyond a specific maximum time period then it MUST be dropped without response. The throttling mechanism MUST also be able to limit the size of the request queue so that if the queue gets too full then a LIFO mechanism will be used to keep the queue at a fixed maximum size.

UDP Throttling

Thali’s SSDP layer MUST put in place a throttling mechanism on the UDP Multicast port used to listen for SSDP related multicasts. If the traffic rate exceeds a configured threshold then the Thali SSDP layer MUST stop listening on the port for a period of time before trying to listen again.

Notification value changes

When a Thali application changes its notification values it MUST issue a ssdp:byebye message using its existing USN and then issue a ssdp:alive message using a new USN and reset its next message timer. This signals to all listeners that there are new notification values to be retrieved.

Open Issue: It’s tempting to just add in a new HTTP header to indicate that the notification values have been updated. This would make the logic for managing SSDP peers simpler as the USN would change less frequently. This is really a performance optimization. It’s main benefit is that if a peer knows it doesn’t care about a specific peer then once it detects that peer by matching on a notification beacon it can ignore the peer’s further announcements. Also in the case that two peers are already synching and causing notification beacon value changes the two peers won’t have to perform additional discoveries on each other because they don’t recognize the USN. But we can implement this if perf analysis shows it’s worth the effort.


The use of BSSID rather than SSID is meant to be a conservative choice. In theory a set of Wi-Fi APs all sharing the same SSID could be configured to share UDP multicast information between each other. In that case we would only care about checking for changes in SSID, not BSSID. But it’s possible for a networking of APs that share the same SSID to not allow routing beyond the local Wi-Fi AP in which case each new BSSID is in effect a new multicast domain. Since there isn’t a particularly good way to figure this out we are erring on the conservative side and treating each new BSSID as an isolated network.