Thali blog
More goodbyes and hellos plus product updates
November 14, 2016
Saying thank you and good bye to old friends and welcoming a bunch of new faces to Thali
August 26, 2016
Serval and Thali
July 14, 2016
Thali and disaster recovery in San Francisco
July 13, 2016
Dividing up the work
July 12, 2016
Getting to new infra
July 11, 2016
Thali at Rockwell's TechEd 2016
June 23, 2016
Why would anyone want to use Node.js on a phone?
June 20, 2016
Thali on the MS DEV SHOW
June 20, 2016
Native module use in NPM appears to be dropping
May 26, 2016
WebRTC in the browser
May 24, 2016
Options for building applications that embed Node.js on desktop or mobile
April 28, 2016
A path off JXcore?
April 21, 2016
Saying goodbye to two of our contributors
April 01, 2016
January 25, 2016
Can Thali’s local P2P capability survive Android Marshmallow?
January 08, 2016
Making sense of web app debug logs on multiple Android and iOS devices
November 13, 2015
Making iOS and Android Better
October 21, 2015
Faster Cordova web app deployment
October 16, 2015
Thali Identity Exchange Protocol Specification
September 17, 2015
Developing a web app that behaves like a native app
September 14, 2015
Thali Story 0 - The lights are officially on!
September 09, 2015
Using a proxy with PouchDB and Node
August 13, 2015
Android and iOS Interop
August 13, 2015
Thali and OpenSSL
August 10, 2015
Developing a peer to peer web for iOS
July 31, 2015
Quick view to JxCore Thali plugin architecture (android part)
July 14, 2015
Starting my BLE investigation
July 13, 2015
Continuing the Dns-Sd Txt record size measurements
July 01, 2015
Delivering discovery data via Wi-Fi Direct UPnP
June 30, 2015
Wi-Fi Direct and Dns-Sd Txt record size measurements
June 26, 2015
Thali and local P2P on iOS
June 15, 2015
WI-Fi Direct final results for Discovery
June 02, 2015
Bluetooth P2P sync for Android using insecure sockets
May 29, 2015
Getting wi fi direct discovery to work continuously
May 18, 2015
The path ahead
May 14, 2015
Ethical local discovery
May 08, 2015
Data speed test results for Bt-connector library
April 28, 2015
Power consumption with WiFi Direct discovery
April 24, 2015
Android P2P library updated
April 24, 2015
A users bill of rights for Thali local discovery
April 18, 2015
Bluetooth LE Peer-to-Peer Networking on iOS
April 16, 2015
How do we do ACLs anyway
April 09, 2015
First library release
April 09, 2015
Strange behavior observed with WiFi direct API
March 30, 2015
A new backlog tracker for Thali
March 20, 2015
Investigating JXCore
March 19, 2015
Wifi pairing
March 18, 2015
Improving the Wifi-direct applications logic
March 09, 2015
Wifi direct, connections without User interaction
March 09, 2015
UX with Wifi Direct - The connection acceptance dialog
March 09, 2015
Wi-Fi-Direct on Android, issues and workarounds
March 05, 2015
Wi-Fi-Direct on Android, testing data
March 05, 2015
How to secure communication between Cordova and a local Node.js Server?
March 01, 2015
How do we figure out if a potential platform can handle Thali?
March 01, 2015
How do we exchange identities in Thali without making our users hate us?
February 27, 2015
Welcome to our blog!
February 26, 2015